Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thought for the Day (Page 194)

The sooner the better

The Bible uses words of great anticipation when it speaks of the faithful Christian’s desire for the return of Christ.  Think about these words and ask yourself as you read them, “Does this describe me?” “To those who eagerly wait for Him…” (Heb. 9:28).  “We also eagerly wait for the Savior” (Phil. 3:20).  “Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of…

It’s a question of the heart!

A faithful Christian must find the proper balance between “shining his light” and “letting his light shine.”  We have a responsibility in this dark, sinful world, to unashamedly shine the light of the gospel, holding fast daily to His word, teaching it to those who are lost in the depths of iniquity (cf. Phil. 2:14-16).  At the same time, we have a…

Taking a Summer Vacation or Moving?

The kids will soon be out of school and many families use the summer months as a time to visit friends and extended family or to take a relaxing vacation. How much time you spend getting ready often shows the importance of the trip. The same principles apply to heaven. There is a great difference in getting ready for a short trip…

Life is too precious!

The news is filled with stories about death, dying and murder.  A man is arrested for killing a college student.  Another man is arrested for killing his wife.  A woman is on trial for killing her daughter.  A small group of people were killed in a plane crash.  A woman dies from the swine flu, as more reports are released about its…

Pay attention!

More than 50 times in Scripture God calls upon His readers to “take heed.” Frequently readers were charged, “Take heed to yourselves.” Moses and Joshua said more than once, “Take careful heed to yourselves” (Deut. 4:15; Josh. 22:5; 23:11).  In Deuteronomy, Moses reminded Israel to take heed, lest they forget or be deceived or be ensnared by the evil one (4:23; 11:16;…

“I’d rather not even be around ‘em!”

She wears clothes that are just…blah.  He has big, thick glasses.  She talks with a funny accent.  He dudn’t use good English wen he tawks.  She’s always acting so proper and polite.  His hair is scraggly and nasty.  She’s got one of those jobs that only uneducated folks do.  He sounds like he’s from a foreign country.  She’s just too sweet and…

A servant is not greater than his Master

If one were to read Jesus’ words in John 13:16 alone, without considering the context, he might think His words are so obvious—“Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master.”  Well, of course a servant is not greater than his master…Everybody knows that. But, put the verse in its context.  The Master Himself had just performed…

A mountain surrounded by the Mountain

The second psalm ends by saying, “Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.”  Numerous and multifold are those blessings, but consider these two from the first two verses of Psalm 125. “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.” The one who truly puts his trust in the Lord is…