Let's Go Back to the Bible

Little old YOU!

There are at this time an estimated 6.89 billion people on this planet.  You are only one of them.  It is estimated that between 15-20 billion people have ever lived on this planet.  You are only one of them.  The earth itself is about 1,097,509,500,000,000,000,000 cubic meters.  The average human, that’s you, is only one of those cubic meters.

Makes you feel pretty insignificant, doesn’t it?  Yet, the Bible says that God loves YOU, that Jesus died for YOU and that heaven is prepared for YOU.  Of all the people now on the earth, of all the people who have ever lived here, why YOU?

That question is hard to fathom, but it presents a living and reassuring truth – YOU (yes, little old YOU) are very special to God!  He gave up so much for YOU! He wants so much to spend eternity with YOU! Of all the billions of THINGS in this world, of all the billions of DIRECTIONS your life can take, where is GOD? Is HE as important to you as YOU are to Him?