Perhaps you have seen our church building from I-95. Perhaps you have been invited by someone to visit the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in Palm Beach Gardens. Many people are a little apprehensive about visiting a new church. We hope a few words of introduction about this warm, friendly, diverse, growing congregation will set your mind at ease about visiting with us.

Bible Centered
Our aim is to be the church that Jesus established in the first century. Therefore, we rely only on the Scriptures for authority in all that we teach and practice, and we reject all creeds and doctrines that originate from man. The God of heaven revealed His will for mankind in the Bible, and we are striving to please God by going back to what He said and do Bible things in Bible ways and call Bible things by Bible names. In all of our sermons, Bible class lessons and home Bible studies, we seek simply to “speak as the oracles of God” (1 Peter 4:11).

Mission Minded
Jesus told His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Our aim is to do just as Jesus commanded and to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost of Palm Beach County, south Florida and other parts of the world. We take the Great Commission of Jesus very seriously and seek to fulfill it in every way that we can. The Lord’s church does not exist simply to serve itself but to follow the example of our Savior and “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). In addition to several local, U.S. and foreign evangelistic and benevolent works that are supported each month, Palm Beach Lakes also sends many of our young people and adults on mission trips and campaigns to destinations throughout the world multiple times every year.

Family Oriented
Our aim is to meet the spiritual and physical needs of this congregation and the community, especially among the families. In today’s society, the home and family seem to be under constant attack. We place special emphasis on the family, recognizing and being thankful for the unique roles God gave to each of us as husbands, wives, fathers, mothers and children (Ephesians 5:22-6:4).

We come together each Sunday to worship our loving God. In our worship, we simply try to go back and worship like the church did in the first century, “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). Every week, we sing as a congregation, we pray, we listen to the Word of God being proclaimed, we give as we have been prospered and we observe the Lord’s Supper. Knowing that God is the object of our worship, we seek to do and say only those things that will bring honor and glory to His name, for of such He is so worthy (Revelation 4:11).

Children’s Bible Classes
The church of Christ places a great emphasis on its Bible school program. We recognize the God-given responsibility that parents have to “train up a child in the way he should go” (Proverbs 22:6), and we have designed our children’s Bible classes to assist parents in that awesome task. We have classes for children from the moment that they can sit up to the time that they graduate from high school, all of which are taught by trained, knowledgeable, loving adults who are concerned for the spiritual growth of their students. Their efforts are supported by a staffed Media Center, which provides curriculum, supplies, equipment, visual aids, ideas and other materials needed to reinforce their Bible-centered lessons.

Adult Bible Classes
In addition to having classes for children of all ages, we have regular Bible classes for all adults as well. Our adult Bible classes teach a variety of subjects stressing the application of Scriptures in our everyday lives. In addition to a study of every book in the Bible, topics of interest and concern, such as for families and parents, are addressed as a regular component of the curriculum. Sometimes we schedule weekend workshops to address specific topics that need special attention. We have a designated Bible class on Wednesday nights for Ladies, and there is a class on Sunday mornings for Young Adults to help them use Biblical principles in coping with the problems and opportunities facing this challenging time in life. All of our classes are taught by individuals who have a true respect for the authority of God’s Word and seek to convey that respect to those in the class.

Youth Groups
Today’s young people are important to us! Recognizing the great pressures placed upon our children from so many areas of their lives, we do everything possible to assist their families in providing good, wholesome opportunities to grow as Jesus did—“in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52). In addition to Bible classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, there are regularly scheduled activities for all children, especially those in Junior High and Senior High. There really is such a thing as “positive peer pressure” when young people get around other young people who are trying to do what is right. We take seriously the admonition, “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth” (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

Specialized Adult Groups
In addition to the regular Bible classes for adults on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, adults in various age groups and those with common interests meet regularly to help in daily Christian living, spiritual growth, fellowship and service to others. There are specialized groups for Ladies, Young Adults, Middle-Aged Adults, Senior Citizens and others. There was a reason in the early church that “all who believed were together, and had all things in common” (Acts 2:44). We want to be that church.

Come visit with us.
We have Bible classes for all ages on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Our worship services on Sundays are very simple and uplifting as we strive to “worship Him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). We serve all surrounding areas, including Palm Beach Gardens, West Palm Beach and Riviera Beach. Have any questions? Contact us.