Let's Go Back to the Bible

Map & Service Times


Bible Classes: 9:00 a.m.
Worship: 10:00 a.m.
Worship: 6:00 p.m.


Bible Classes: 7:00 p.m.

Signing is available for all English services.
Tenemos clases Biblicas y servicios de alabanza en Español.


From the north …

  • From I-95 take Northlake Blvd. (Exit 77) west 1/4 mile to Military Trail.
  • Turn left (south) and go approximately 1 mile to Leo Lane (2nd traffic light).
  • Turn left (east) and go to the end of Leo Lane.

From the south…

  • From I-95 take Blue Heron Blvd. (Exit 76) west 1/4 mile to Military Trail.
  • Turn right (north) and go 1/2 mile to Leo Lane (1st traffic light).
  • Turn right (east) and go to the end of Leo Lane.