Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by David Sproule

All is vanity, except this one thing

Solomon was overwhelmed with being king of Israel, and the Lord wanted to get him started off on the right foot. The Lord asked Solomon, “What shall I give you?” (1 Kgs. 3:5). The king simply requested “a wise and understanding heart” (3:9, 12), and that is exactly what the all-powerful, all-wise, all-loving God gave to him. Wisdom! Near the end of his days, the…

God does not forget, so you must not forget

Sometimes we may wonder if anybody knows or anybody cares what we do for others. Maybe we feel like we’re always the one giving but not very often on the receiving end. Perhaps we are forgetting too much and not remembering enough. The word “forget” is found three times in the book of Hebrews. First, the author wants Christians to remember that “God is not…

Why is society running wild?

The translations vary slightly on the first part of Proverbs 29:18. They say the same thing but slightly different. “Where there is no revelation” (NKJV), “Where there is no vision” (KJV, ASV, NASB), “Where there is no prophetic vision” (ESV). The meaning of the term here usually is connected to the means by which divine revelation is communicated. Hold that thought. The verse goes on to say…

“When you look at others”

It is so easy to “look at others” and to be jealous (even slightly so) when they “have more” than you do, “have it easier” than you do, “get to do more fun things” than you do, etc. In “looking at others,” it becomes very easy to forget what you have or minimize the value of what you have. In 1897, Johnson Oatman,…

“Your call cannot be completed as dialed”

Probably every person who has ever used a phone has heard the recorded message, “Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again.” This is an indication that something went wrong with the attempted call, usually on the caller’s end or the phone network. Can something similar happen in our spiritual lives? We may be under the impression that God…

Two “P’s” NOT in a Pod: Preachers and Pedestals

Preachers are human beings.  They don’t have special blood running through their veins.  They don’t have a specially-granted superior status from God or from the church.  They are men, like any others.  Unfortunately, we have a tendency to lift up certain individuals and put them on a pedestal.  No Scripture authorizes the church to elevate a preacher above others, nor to give…