Let's Go Back to the Bible

“He saw a certain poor widow”

The event in the life of Jesus recorded in the first four verses of Luke 21 is one of great solace, encouragement and wonder.  Jesus was sitting “opposite the treasury” and watching as “people put money into the treasury” (Mark 12:41).  Luke 21:2 reveals, “He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.” I want you to think about each word in that sentence.

(1)  When Jesus “saw” her, what did He see?  What did she look like?  How was her appearance?  Did she stand out in any way?  Why did He take notice of her?  (2)  How did Jesus know she was “poor”?  Did her clothes give it away?  Did someone tell Him?  (3)  How did Jesus know she was a “widow”?  Was she wearing a sign?  Did she broadcast it far and wide so that everyone would know?  (4)  When Jesus spoke to His disciples, “She out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had” (21:4), how did He know that?

You know the answer to every one of these questions!  Jesus knows and Jesus cares! And, that’s all we need to know!  When you give to the Lord, Jesus sees you, too!