Let's Go Back to the Bible

What is a life worth?

The average cost of raising a child today, from birth to age 17, is estimated to be around $250,000.  The average cost of an abortion is $400-$500.  How much is a life worth to you?

While it’s hard to estimate, the average cost of long-term health care for one in advanced age can be $50,000 annually or more.  The average cost of euthanizing a human could be less than $400.  How much is a life worth to you?

What is your life worth to you?  If you had to put a price tag on what it costs for you to exist each year, how much are you worth?  Look at it from a different perspective.  In order that you might have ETERNAL life in heaven, do you know the cost?  “You were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold” (1 Pet. 1:18).  No, you can’t but a dollar-sign in front of a number to designate the cost!  The actual cost was “the precious blood of Christ” (1:19).  To Him, your life was worth His life!  What is His life worth to you?