Let's Go Back to the Bible

2013 Bulletin Articles (Page 4)

Jesus Always Saw Souls

We usually see what we are looking for. We tend to get focused on a single matter and fail to see all that is happening around us. Determined to purchase a special item in a store often makes us bypass items of even greater value. We see what we are focused on. This is what happened in John chapter four when the…

Attention All Editors!

Last week, we pointed out that God does not need editors to clarify what He meant when He said what He said. Tragically, we live in a time when individuals think they have the right to read what the Bible says or to hear someone show what the Bible says and then say, “Well, I just do not believe that is the…

God Does Not Need Editors!

When Moses descended from Mount Sinai, he had two tablets of stone with words written on the front and the back of the tablets. We know those words as the Ten Commandments. They were placed in a golden container called the Ark of the Covenant. Nearly six hundred years later, Solomon brought that container into the beautiful temple he had built. There…