Let's Go Back to the Bible

New Classes Starting—You Gotta Be Here!

A new Bible Class Quarter starts on Sunday, September 1.  There will be new topics for Adults, Sr. High and Jr. High to enjoy.  If you’re not attending Bible classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, why not?  (I truly am curious how you’d answer that question, so please feel free to send me a note, so that I can try to understand.)

Dan Jenkins will have his regular spot in the Family Room.  On Sunday mornings, he is going to be teaching through “The Book of Revelation,” which corresponds nicely to the near-completion of his commentary on that book.  On Wednesday nights, he will be teaching another theme that is vital to understanding Revelation—“Amazing Old Testament  Prophecies.” Two great classes, as usual!

Richard Watson is going to be teaching a timely topic in the auditorium on Wednesday nights—“Lord, Make Me a Servant!” I have seen the material he is using for that class and it is outstanding!  What a great (and much needed) study!

Our Ladies’ Class will resume on Wednesday nights with Traci doing the teaching.   They will be studying “Joy in Christ: Lessons from Paul in Philippians.

As with most quarters at PBL, there are some great studies that will help you dig deeper and grow closer.

There are two classes, in particular, to which I’d like to give a little explanation for everyone’s benefit.

On Sunday mornings in the auditorium, we will be studying “Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage.” Because of the importance of this subject matter, the Young Adults and the Sr. High will not meet for their regular classes.  The Sr. High class will be instructed to meet in the auditorium, to be a part of the MDR class.  The Young Adults will be strongly encouraged to attend the MDR class, but they may also choose to attend Dan’s class on Revelation in the Family Room.  Please keep this study in your prayers!  It is obviously a sensitive subject, on a variety of levels, so we will be taking a careful look at the Scriptures.

Starting on Wednesday night, September 4, there will be a class called, “Someone Died And Left YOU A Fortune.” This class is primarily for VISITORS, but it is open to anyone.  This would be a PERFECT class to invite a friend to attend (which is THE primary purpose of the class)!  While intended for non-Christians, Christians can attend to learn an easy method for teaching the gospel.  Because of the booklet that we will be using in this class, it would be BEST to be present for every class, from start to finish.  Start inviting folks now to come with you on Wednesday nights.

What a great blessing to have so many opportunities to study God’s Word together!  Let’s grow together!