Let's Go Back to the Bible

2013 Bulletin Articles (Page 6)

Christian Growth Is Not Automatic!

Those silly Egyptians!  What were they thinking?  Riding their chariots into the dry depth of the Red Sea.  What would make them “attempt” such a feat?  Well, the Israelites had crossed successfully, so “the Egyptians pursued and went after them into the midst of the sea” (14:23). The writer of Hebrews summarized the event in these words, “By faith they passed through…

Let the Polls Decide It!

Our nation has arrived at the point where national polls have far more to do with what legislation is passed than any consideration as to whether it is moral or right. Of even greater concern is that moral issues, many of them opening or closing the doors to heaven, are being decided by what the majority of our peers are thinking. We…

Withdrawing Fellowship—WWJD?

The action in a local congregation of withdrawing fellowship from unfaithful Christians is not a popular practice, as it is often viewed as cruel, harsh, judgmental and not very “Christ-like.”   Granted, the withdrawing of fellowship is a very difficult and heart-wrenching thing to do, but does that mean it should not be done?  Does that mean we should (perhaps even with “God’s…

Teens and Older Members

So many wonderful things are happening in the lives of our young people, and we all rejoice as we see them growing into mature adults. Last week, there were fourteen of them involved in the Leadership Training Class, and on Sunday we saw just the level of their devotion and spirituality. For more than fifteen years, we have had some young person…

“Now That I’ve Been Baptized, What Do I Need to Think?”

After someone is baptized, it is critical that they continue to be taught the things that they must “know” and “do” (as studied in two previous articles).  The strength of a Christian’s faith and character will be determined in large part by how he trains his mind to think and to not think.  Proverbs 23:7 states, “For as he thinks in his…

“Now That I’ve Been Baptized, What Do I Need to Do?”

After someone is baptized, it is critical that they continue to be taught.  Not only must they “know” what the Lord has commanded, but Jesus instructed that they must be taught “to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:20).  There is so much to “do,” that it can be overwhelming to try to “do” it all.  Here are some…