Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Dan Jenkins

You Have Come to the Heavenly Jerusalem

As discussed last week, the estimated value for the cost of all materials in the temple Solomon built is $240,381,000,000. King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed that “Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World,” and we tend to lose sight of worship in the temple. When Babylon fell, the Jews returned to Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel and built a new temple. They even brought…

His Glory in His Temple

When David asked the prophet Nathan if he should build the temple, Nathan immediately told him to go ahead and do this. However, that night the Lord came to Nathan and told the prophet what he had said was wrong. He returned to David and gave the king the message from God. Sometimes we, like Nathan, give our own opinions about the…

Unrealized Timelessness Truth

As we read the Bible, we sometimes are so focused on how a passage applies to our lives that we so easily lose sight of what was happening when a book was written. Truth is always truth! It cannot contradict itself and is timeless. The laws of God have changed in various dispensations, but the fundamental aspect of truth does not change.…