Let's Go Back to the Bible

13 Things Every Teen Needs to Know (#1)

I want to share some things with you that I hope you will truly consider, take to heart and keep with you for the rest of your life.  Not because I’m saying them but because they represent absolute and vital truths that will impact your future on this earth and in eternity.

Lock this in your heart:  There is a God, He is alive! There are going to be people (teachers, friends, family members, strangers) who will tease you, challenge you and try to get you to reject the existence and power of God.  Don’t listen to them; don’t follow after them.  Listen to and follow rational analysis and real evidence.

Truth: The universe is here!  But, how? Every “effect” must have an adequate “cause” to explain its existence.  When you see an jet airplane in the sky (an “effect”), there must be an adequate “cause” to explain its origin and existence.  What is the adequate “cause” of the existence of this universe, this world and even you, which are all contingent on something outside themselves?  Did it come from nothing?  Has it always existed?  Or, is there a “prime cause” and “sustaining cause” (i.e., a supernaturally powerful and eternal being) who created all things?  That’s the only thing that makes sense and supports the evidence, isn’t it?

Truth: The universe evidences design, order and arrangement.  But, how? Design demands a designer.  When you see a jet airplane in the sky (which evidences tremendous design), there must have been an intelligent designer who crafted such detail and precision.  (It didn’t happen by accident, did it!)  The universe, this world and even your own body demonstrate such incredible detail and precision, that it is impossible to come to any other rational conclusion than there must have been an Intelligent Designer who crafted it all!  The almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing, infinite God is the only Designer possible, isn’t He?

Truth: The human race possesses a moral consciousness.  But, how? While moral codes vary from culture to culture, our world is still a moral society and rational persons recognize moral responsibility.  That is why, when you see a jet airplane in the sky, you would never expect it to drop nuclear bombs on the neighborhood school full of children.  Because one’s moral code can progress, degenerate and even be criticized, it is obvious that there is a higher objective standard to which all humans hold (whether they realize it or not).  From where did that sense of moral obligation come?  The evolutionary process from an amoeba?  If there is no God, there would be no morality.  But there is morality, therefore, there is a God!

This is a lot to digest, but remember: There is a God!