Let's Go Back to the Bible

2013 Bulletin Articles (Page 12)

The Matching Game

Probably everyone has played a matching game, where you have one card in your hand and you search for another card that matches what you have.  It’s an easy game to play, for it is quite simple to look at two images to see if they match or not. Suppose you could do that with spiritual matters, like your salvation.  Specifically, would…

The Almighty Needs You!

There is a sense in which God needs nothing, for He is the source of all things. Yet the Bible shows that our Lord’s eternal plan involves us. Before the world began, He devised this plan and we must never lose sight of our place in the scheme of redemption. As strange as it may seem—the Lord needs you. Consider the events…

God Is Jealous!

When we think about “jealousy,” it normally carries with it a negative connotation.  You’re not supposed to be jealous of others—it’s a sign of an unhealthy heart and unhealthy relationships.  Human jealousy leads to assorted difficulties and complications—personally, emotionally and relationally.  Therefore, human jealousies are listed among the works of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21, and the New Testament teaches that Christian…

Five Part Harmony

I was about six years old when I first heard of the words “soprano, alto, tenor and bass.”  At the old West Huntsville church building, a brother from Tennessee, A. J. Vetito, conducted the first of several singing schools at the church. By the end of that week, we all knew “do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti do.” We all could…

Spiritual Goal Setting

We set goals in so many parts of our lives—career goals, family goals, financial goals, health and fitness goals, educational goals, etc., etc.  Then, in most cases, we determine certain steps that we should take in order to reach those goals.  Would it not, then, be prudent to have spiritual goals for our lives and determine steps by which to reach them?…