Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thought for the Day (Page 9)

It became known

The city of Joppa was a natural harbor along the Mediterranean coast and was a well-traveled commercial seaport. When the beloved Dorcas became sick and died, the disciples sent for Peter in nearby Lydda. Peter travelled about 10 miles to Joppa and did the unthinkable…the amazing…the thrilling—he raised Dorcas from the dead. Would you believe that nobody really cared and that the news of that…

She arose and served

Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law is one of those fascinating miracles of Christ, and it is only given a very few verses in Scripture (Matt. 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39). The text says that she was sick with a high fever and had been laying in the bed for a while. Jesus came, rebuked the fever, took her by the hand, and the fever left…

Who made?

When Moses began to make excuses to God about why he was not the right spokesperson to go to Pharaoh, God asked Moses this question, “Who has made man’s mouth?” (Ex. 4:11). What a question! The very organ of which Moses claimed he was lacking was given to him by his Maker. So, who made your mouth? While we’re at it, who…

What are you?

Context is everything, right? How would you answer the question, “What are you?” It all depends, doesn’t it? Depending on the situation, you might answer that you are a man or a woman. A northerner or a southerner. A Democrat or a Republican. An omnivore or a vegetarian. An SEC fan or Big Ten fan. Some of these categories of identification find strong, loyal advocates—to the point that such identification…

Go ahead, don’t forgive!

Forgiveness can be hard. Have you ever said (or heard someone say), “I will NEVER forgive him/her for that!”? Or, “How could I ever forgive him/her for that?” Yes, forgiveness is hard! But, when you choose to not forgive, you are disobeying a command of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him” (Luke 17:3). And not just…

Help a brother out!

By both His words and His actions, Jesus emphasized the need to help out a brother who is in need. Jesus noted that since anyone would help their donkey or ox out of a pit that he should be willing to do what he can when he can to help out a brother even more (Luke 14:1-5). Of course, Jesus did not limit…

Your Father cares!

Does the fact that someone “knows” of a need necessarily translate into that someone “caring” and “doing” something about that need? No! Not at all! Look at how many people, organizations and government entities know of needs around them but do absolutely nothing. In His “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus definitely wants us to know that “your Father knows the things you have need of…

Your Father knows!

The religion of Christ is a very personal religion. It was prophesied by Jeremiah that God would “write” His law “on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people” (Jer. 31:33).  So, when Christ came, He placed a strong emphasis on that personal relationship. In His “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus spoke of God as “God” six times,…