Let's Go Back to the Bible

Who made?

When Moses began to make excuses to God about why he was not the right spokesperson to go to Pharaoh, God asked Moses this question, “Who has made man’s mouth?” (Ex. 4:11). What a question! The very organ of which Moses claimed he was lacking was given to him by his Maker. So, who made your mouth?

While we’re at it, who made your ear? Who made your eye? Solomon observed, “The hearing ear and the seeing eye, The Lord has made them both” (Prov. 20:12). The point in these verses is not about the actual organ but about the ability of said organ!

If your mouth is able to speak (pay attention, Moses!), use it for God! If your ear is able to hear, use it for God! If your eye is able to see, use it for God! If your feet are able to walk, use them for God! If your hands are able to serve, use them for God! Every single thing we have is from God! Let us use them, as He has designed them, for His service!