Let's Go Back to the Bible

It became known

The city of Joppa was a natural harbor along the Mediterranean coast and was a well-traveled commercial seaport. When the beloved Dorcas became sick and died, the disciples sent for Peter in nearby Lydda. Peter travelled about 10 miles to Joppa and did the unthinkable…the amazing…the thrilling—he raised Dorcas from the dead. Would you believe that nobody really cared and that the news of that miracle never went beyond Dorcas’ home? Of course not!

The Bible says that the news of Dorcas being raised from the dead “became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed on the Lord” (Acts 9:42). How did the news become known? By Facebook posts? The six o’clock news? NO! You know it happened by word of mouth! The disciples could not contain their excitement!

Friends, what will it take for “it to become known” to our neighborhoods, our cities, our world that Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead? It is up to the mouths of the writer and readers of these words! May we have the excitement they had in Joppa!