Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by David Sproule (Page 292)

“I Just Don’t Enjoy Worship”

Have you ever uttered or even had the thought, “I just don’t enjoy worship”?  Have you ever heard anyone say, “I just don’t enjoy worship”?  Have you ever known someone who by their actions (perhaps their frequent absence from worship) was saying, “I just don’t enjoy worship”?  If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, may I ask you a few…

One of the Toughest Things in the World

From the days of the Old Testament, God has commanded, “You shall not show partiality” (Deut. 1:17).  The wise man of Israel declared, “These things also belong to the wise: It is not good to show partiality in judgment” (Prov. 24:23). Partiality! It is one of those words that seems to immediately grab our attention when spoken in our presence.  Lest someone…

Give Me the Bible!

In 1883, Priscilla J. Owens had an appreciation for the Bible that very few ever enjoy.  It seems that Psalm 119 was particularly meaningful to her, although her words show an understanding of other divine designations for Scripture.  While her name may not be familiar to us, the song that she wrote should be.  We sing it often, but the words grabbed…

“We need an easy win!”

When scheduling their homecoming games, most football teams don’t schedule their fiercest rival or the league’s most dominant team.  Instead, they want a “lesser” team to go up against, so that they can get an “easy win” and leave feeling like they can conquer the world. As Christians, it’s a little different.  We don’t have any “homecoming” games, for our home field…

As a Christian, I can do whatever I want!

One older faithful gospel preacher saw another older faithful gospel preacher in a restaurant one afternoon.  The first preacher said to the other, “How are you doing today?”  The other well-known preacher said, “I’m doing as I please!” What!  He’s doing as he pleases?  That’s not what a preacher is supposed to say! His friend knew exactly what he meant.  Brother Nichols…

The message is for everyone – no one is exempt!

Sometimes when someone has delivered bad news and the recipient of the message reacts harshly, the messenger will respond, “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger.”  In other words, I had and have nothing to do with this message.  I am merely the one carrying it from A to B. Too often, some Christians seem to live by the philosophy that says, “I’ve got…

It’s a boy!

Lindsey (Jenkins) McPherson found out last week that Gary and Jacqui’s first grandchild is going to be a boy!  (Don’t worry!  They have received the message that “David” is the most suitable name for him!)  Technology is such a marvel today!  Isn’t it amazing how much we can know before a child’s birth that folks in Bible times could not!  (Or, can…