Let's Go Back to the Bible

Clean it up, clean it out, clean it now!

Messy rooms, homes, offices and desks bother some people more than others.  (BTW—People with messy desks do not necessarily like it that way…it just takes on a life of its own after a while.)  But, surely, at some point, the mess has to get to everyone enough that they will stop and take time to clean up and clean out to get the room looking the way it is supposed to look.

Ok, now make a spiritual application.  If we allow our rooms, homes, offices and desks to become cluttered with stuff, is it not likely, and even probable, that we allow our spiritual lives to become cluttered with stuff, too?  Our personal schedules, daily calendars, to-do lists and recreation time often take on a life of their own, until we just get completely overwhelmed.

When will we reach the point in our spiritual lives when we will stop and take time to clean up and clean out to get our lives with God looking the way they are supposed to look? Let’s not wait until such a task is beyond reach or seems too enormous to attempt.  Start today!