Let's Go Back to the Bible

What a day that will be!

Close your eyes and imagine for just a moment.  (Ok, don’t close your eyes—you’ve got to be able to read this!)  While you have had various struggles as a Christian, nonetheless you have devoted yourself to serving the Lord to the absolute highest level you can reach.  Your commitment to the cause of Christ is where you have focused your life, as you strive (with difficultly sometimes) to keep it first in all you do.  Imagine…As you are busily about your typical day, you hear the loudest shout you have ever heard—so loud you suppose that even the dead could hear it.  The piercing herald of a mighty trumpet echoes all around you.  Brilliantly bright clouds immediately grab your attention as they descend toward the earth, bringing with them (can you picture it?) the Lord Himself.  His warm and loving eyes embrace your weary eyes that are now overcome with a level of joy and excitement you have never known.

As you imagine that scene, meditate on this – “The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18).  What a day!