Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by David Sproule (Page 253)

He doesn’t really want “all men,” does He?

To read of the vile persecutions that were brought against early “Christians” in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and to consider the evil hands which administered such torture, it makes one wonder if and how God could really want “all men” (including those tyrants) “to be saved” (1 Tim. 2:4).  To research all of the atrocities that Adolf Hitler enacted upon the innocent…

“She didn’t say ‘obey’!”

The Royal Wedding of William and Kate has been hard to escape; it’s been all over the TV networks.  One of the news commentators’ frequent reports has been on this “modern couple’s vows”—they have gleefully been reporting how Kate did not have the word “obey” in her vows.  “She didn’t say ‘obey’!  They’re so modern!” William and Kate are not the first…

Keeping up with the…

The old comic of a century ago started a saying that has continued even until today—“Keeping up with the Joneses.”  In the comic strip, “the Joneses” were not based on any one particular family, but it was a generic expression to capture any neighbor’s social or economic status.  If someone else was getting ahead in life and prospering, the average person tried…

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Any carpenter (even the weekend variety) have probably heard the saying, “Measure twice, cut once.”  From their own experience, many have come to appreciate the sage counsel in that slogan.  Why is that so important?  Why is it better to measure twice and then cut? There are a number of very practical reasons for this, but consider a few.  Because if you…

Wall Street, Main Street & Gold Street

We hear a lot of talk today about “Wall Street and Main Street.”  Especially in the political world, we hear about the emphasis that many “politicians” put on “Wall Street” and the impact that has on “Main Street.”  Then, we hear of politicians who say they are focused on “Main Street” and say that “Wall Street” will follow the successes of “Main…

“Sinners Jesus will receive”

On more than one occasion, the scribes and Pharisees complained that Jesus was “a friend of… sinners” (Luke 7:34), had “gone to be a guest with a man who is a sinner” (Luke 19:7), and “receives sinners and eats with them” (Luke 15:2).  Jesus approached their complaint head-on, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance” (Luke 5:32). …