Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thought for the Day (Page 204)

The decision Pilate faced is now the decision you face

The mob wanted to crucify Jesus, and Pilate stood in the position to stop it (or let it happen).  The “politically-correct,” anti-God, anti-church, American “mob” wants to eliminate Christianity and all evidence of Christ from our society.  And, you, 21st-century Christian, stand in the position to stop it (or let it happen). The mob that argued against Pilate was “insistent, demanding with…

Friends with any construction equipment?

Driving through the construction on I-95 this morning got me to thinking – there are all kinds of friends. There are the “dump truck” friends, who just like to dump on you.  There are the “jack hammer” friends, who incessantly chide you until you crack.  There are the “bull dozer” friends, who push you out of the way at times.  There are…

“As it is written”

The Israelites were taken captive by the Babylonian empire as the final act of God’s judgment against His sinful nation.  They had turned to idolatry and trusted more in man than they did in God.  They had rejected God from their lives and their hearts, so God rejected them.  After 70 years in captivity, God’s people returned to their land.  When the…

They weren’t genuine and He knew it.

In John 6:66, the Bible tells us, “From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.”  Why would folks withdraw from following the Son of God?  Many of the disciples had complained that some of Jesus’ teachings were difficult to hear.  Verse 61 states, “Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples complained.”  Wow!  How could He…

Do not exit!

Have you ever missed an exit while driving down a highway?  It can be very frustrating, especially if the next exit is miles away.  Even when there is plenty of warning (with miles and miles of signs preceding the exit), sometimes our minds wander and we drive right by it. But sometimes missing an exit is a good thing.  (In fact, it…

If He bound the strong man, what does that make Him?

If someone outsmarted the smart man, what would that make him?  Wouldn’t that make him smarter than the smart man?  If someone outgrew the tall man, what would that make him?  Wouldn’t that make him taller than the tall man?  If someone bound the strong man, what would that make him?  Wouldn’t that make him stronger than the strong man? When Jesus…