Let's Go Back to the Bible

2023 Bulletin Articles (Page 20)

Matthew?  Really?

What’s the first book of the New Testament?  You can name it, almost as automatically as you can name your own children.  But wait!  Think about this for a moment.  The first book of God’s marvelous New Testament, where He is bringing His eternal plan to fruition, was written by a man named Matthew.  Do you know who this is? Matthew was…

The Expectations of God

Clearly communicated expectations are very helpful. When you start a new job, part of the interview process and even into the first few weeks is getting to know what is expected of your position. If that is clearly defined, then you are able to work toward achieving the expected standards. However, if your duties are vague or unclear, then there is some…

Conservative or Liberal?

The classifications of conservative or liberal are used to try to categorize the way people think about political, moral, and Biblical concepts. These two ideas are seen as being at odds with one another. When it comes to spiritual matters, we need to be both of these to be godly and pleasing to Him. To be conservative is usually associated with maintaining…

A Chapter a Day

On Sunday, January 1, the 2023 theme for Palm Beach Lakes was introduced to the congregation, and it seems to have been received with excitement and readiness.  The design is for the congregation to read through the New Testament together this year—a chapter a day. Sometimes it is good to read through the whole Bible in a year—taking about three chapters per…

Prayers During the Sermon

In a recent evangelistic sermon, I heard David Sproule speak to those assembled and told them that he had been praying specifically for them. As I listened, I thought of the great impact it would have if every Christian did this. At that point of the sermon, I began to pray the same prayer. Have we not all sung, “While we pray…