Let's Go Back to the Bible

2023 Bulletin Articles (Page 19)

The “Sleep” of Death?

What does it mean when the Bible talks about death as “sleep”?  Does it mean that the person who dies goes into a state of unconsciousness?  Does it mean that the soul itself enters a state of sleep until the return of Jesus?  Or is it talking metaphorically about the body as being “asleep”?  Let’s examine the Scripture to understand this matter.…

No Salvation Without Circumcision

Judging by the topics discussed in the epistles, almost every congregation had to deal with the problem brought into the church by those whose past religion demanded that for one to be saved he had to be circumcised. The problem really surfaced when uncircumcised Gentiles became members. At first the church was entirely Jewish, but when Saul/Paul led the persecution of the…

Mark?  Really?

It is interesting to consider who God used to write the books in His Bible.  It is intriguing that He would use a converted tax collector (a highly despised class of people) to write the first book of the New Testament.  But such is the nature of God.  To see that nature even deeper, consider who God used to write the second…

Salvation in the Gospels

The gospel, meaning the good news, is a word that is used throughout the New Testament. It was used in talking about the good news of the kingdom (Matt. 4:23). Mark starts his account of the life of the Christ this way: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark. 1:1). The Bible also mentions “the gospel…