On Sunday, January 1, the 2023 theme for Palm Beach Lakes was introduced to the congregation, and it seems to have been received with excitement and readiness. The design is for the congregation to read through the New Testament together this year—a chapter a day.
Sometimes it is good to read through the whole Bible in a year—taking about three chapters per day for 365 days. It can also be beneficial to try to read through the whole New Testament in a shorter timeframe of 30 days—reading about nine chapters per day. But the focus for Palm Beach Lakes this year is to take our time walking through the New Testament together, gathering all we can, one chapter at a time. If a person reads five chapters per week, he will end up reading 260 chapters in a year. That happens to be the exact number of chapters that are in the New Testament.
To assist in the study this year, our elders have provided a copy of a study guide that includes some helpful information for each day’s reading. There are three helpful notes per chapter, which explain some aspect of the persons, places, doctrines or concepts in that chapter. There are some suggested markings to make in your Bible, to assist in later readings and study. There are three review questions for each chapter, which are designed to capture a key element in each chapter, and can be used to engage children in the study, as well. Each day has a verse for meditation and prayer that comes from that day’s chapter. Each week ends with a time of reflection, to look back on what has been read and to consider further studies that would be beneficial. The study guide is not the end-all or essential, but it is simply an aid in the effort of reading, understanding and enjoying Bible study.
The goal this year is for both individual and collective growth. The collective growth will only be seen if there is individual growth. What does that mean? The more each individual Christian spends with God in His Word, the more like Jesus he becomes. Individually, he benefits. But, when a whole church is spending time with God in His Word (particularly in a collaborative effort of reading the same sections of Scripture), they all become more like Jesus, and the whole church benefits collectively. The early church was healthy because they collectively “continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine” (Acts 2:42).
Will you do your part? Will you take a few minutes every day to read one chapter? Find what works for you. Use the study guide in a way that fits you. There’s nothing rigid about it. The main thing is to spend time in the Word each day. “A chapter of day keeps me on the Lord’s way!”