Let's Go Back to the Bible

“She has done what she could”

In Mark 14, Jesus’ death was quickly approaching.  The chief priests and scribes were seeking “how they might take Him by trickery and put Him to death” (14:1).  What would you have done?  Maybe more pointedly, what could you have done about Jesus’ impending death?  Could you have been powerful enough to stop it?  Could you have lessened the pain and suffering in any way?  The answer is obvious–there is nothing you could have done.  You were/are the very reason for His pain, suffering and death.

At that time, Mary came, anointed the feet of Jesus with very costly oil and wiped His feet with her hair (Mark 14:3; John 12:3).  The disciples, especially Judas, were very upset that she was wasting the fragrant oil.  They thought, “What good was that going to do Jesus?  What could it possibly do for Him?  What a waste!” You know, that’s what some think about Christians today.

Hear Jesus’ words — “She has done what she could!” (Mark 14:8).  What could you do for Jesus today?  Have you done it?