Let's Go Back to the Bible

Thought for the Day (Page 186)

“Those who are outside”

There are those who are inside Christ, through their obedience to the gospel, having been “baptized into Christ” (Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27).  As Christians (those who are inside Christ), we have a responsibility to monitor how we behave and the influence we have upon those who are also inside Christ.  But, the extent of our influence stretches beyond, into the realm of…

Ready to pull your hair out?

Frustrations, disappointments and anxieties come at us from all directions.  When our cup starts filling up, we know that something must be done.  But, when our cup is full and then endlessly running over, our blood pressure starts running over with it and sometimes “gets the better of us.”  So, when life’s frustrations, disappointments and anxieties intensify, what should we do? We…

Is there anything wrong with wishing to be in heaven now?

Some fear that if someone makes comments like–“I’d rather be in heaven right now,” or “I wish I could just go to heaven,” or something similar to these–that he has a death wish or is having suicidal or unhealthy thoughts.  Such is not necessarily the case.  Think about these words. Paul said, “For I am hard pressed between [living and dying], having…

Even before the baby has form–there’s life!

Writers of Scripture often reflected on their relationship with God “from their mother’s womb.”  “You are He who took Me out of the womb” (Psa. 22:9-10; cf. 71:6; Gal. 1:15). Even from within the womb (before one was “out of the womb”), there is recognition of a life and relationship with God.  “From My mother’s womb You have been My God” (Psa.…

“He shall direct your paths”

Sometimes you just don’t know which way to go.  There are decisions we each face in life that will alter the direction of our lives considerably, and there are some decisions that will have an impact but maybe not as much as we originally anticipated.  Which way do we go? The first thing we need to do is pray and ask God…

Wise guys — some aren’t so wise!

The story of Rehoboam coming to power is a classic case of one who lacked wisdom and went looking for wisdom in the wrong place.  “How should he treat the people of Israel?” He was “in charge” now; the trouble was that he wanted everyone to know that “he was in charge now!” When he asked those who were older (and wiser),…

What a “way” to go!

The word “way” is used five times in Proverbs 15.  Twice it is used to speak of “the way” that leads away from the Lord.  “The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord…The way of the lazy man is like a hedge of thorns” (15:9, 19).  Three times (including verse 10) it is used to speak of “the way”…

“Reclothe us in our rightful mind”

In 1872, John G. Whittier (in his song, “Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”) thought that Christians singing in worship needed to petition God to “reclothe us in our rightful mind.”  Well, that was then, this is now.  Things are much different now.  Right?  Now that we’re in the 21st century, Christians no longer struggle with menial things like keeping a rightful…