Let's Go Back to the Bible

2023 Bulletin Articles (Page 2)

What Kind of Man Are You?

A Washington Post article from February 9, 2016 reads, “Assault with a deadly weapon: Florida man charged with throwing alligator into Wendy’s.” If you are not yet familiar, let me introduce you to Florida Man. No, I’m not talking about myself. I’m referring to the phrase that seems to continuously pop up in news articles every other week. Each time you hear…

The Highway of Holiness

Isaiah is truly the Messianic prophet because he gives so many detailed descriptions of the nature of the Christ and the work He would do. Most individuals know the words of Isaiah chapter 53, where we read of the One on whom our iniquity would be laid. We know of that lamb and sheep lead to the slaughter or to be sheared…

How Many Verses Is Satan Waiting for You?

It is very likely that we disconnect Matthew chapter 3 from Matthew chapter 4 in our minds.  We usually do that with chapters—when we see a division, our minds draw a line of separation.  Additionally, there are certain chapters that we have designated their themes into differing categories.  Matthew chapter 3 is about “The Baptism of Jesus.”  We probably memorized that some…

Don’t Wait to Follow

Abraham was a man who was far from perfect. Twice, he lied about his wife’s identity because he was afraid to lose his life (Gen 12:10-20; 20:1-18). He missed the mark when it came to trusting the Lord to keep His covenant with him. However, Abraham was found righteous in the eyes of Lord by his works of faith (Heb 11:8; Rom…

An Unheralded Mother

It is remarkable that we so often overlook the importance of those who are standing in the shadows. Yet their impact on the lives of all those around them can shape the future far more than those who stand in the limelight and the center of the stage. Take a moment to focus on one of the most unheralded heroes of the…

The Great Commission and Acts 2

Before Jesus ascended to the Father, He left the apostles with the Great Commission, recorded in Matthew 28:18-20. The Great Commission summarizes the mission of the apostles and of Christians everywhere. On the Day of Pentecost, the apostles fulfilled the Great Commission in Peter’s first sermon. We can look to Acts 2 and see how each part of Jesus’ mission statement for…