Let's Go Back to the Bible

Posts by Robert Lupo

Let’s Go to Camp!

It’s Palm Beach Lakes’ week at Central Florida Bible Camp: Forever Camp. All of the planning and preparation has led up to this. With 118 kids and just enough staff to make all the activities run smoothly, it is amazing how wonderful a time Forever Camp is. Many may not know exactly what goes on at Bible Camp. In fact, some may…

You Can’t Walk in the Light Alone

When I was a young child, there were a few Sunday mornings when my brothers and I made the mistake of asking the question, “Do we have to go to church today?” Without exception, my dad would reply swiftly with, “No, we don’t have to…we GET to!” Thankfully, rather than severe punishment, this response usually resulted in us having a little laugh…

Our Father Is a Good Father

What does it take to be a good father? When you consider your own father, maybe you remember him being funny, loving, a hard worker, wise or gentle. Any of these qualities would make an unforgettable dad. But what makes a truly good father? In 1 Timothy 5:8, the Bible tells us, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and…

What Kind of Christian Are You?

“What kind of Christian are you?” is a question I have been asked countless times. I’m a big fan of the response, “Hopefully a good one.” But, this question is asked for a very good reason. According to Livescience.com, “Estimations show there are more than 200 Christian denominations in the U.S and… 45,000 globally.” Is this what Jesus wanted? In Matthew 16:18,…

Is the Way the Only Way?

In the world, there are many religions. Each one of them claims to hold the solution to sin. Some ask their followers to reject sin. Some ask them to be unconcerned about sin. There are even some that ask them to embrace or even celebrate sin. The Bible, however, makes it clear that sin is something of deadly seriousness. Sin separates us…