Let's Go Back to the Bible

2008 Bulletin Articles (Page 4)

Thank God for Challenges!

You can call them whatever you want, but they are part of our lives and the life of the church. Some view them as grave problems. Others see them as insurmountable obstacles, certain defeats, or reasons to give up, but when viewed through the eyes of faith they are simply challenges on the road to heaven. Thank God for challenges because they…

Thank God for Our Deacons!

The planning session by the elders, deacons and preachers was conducted this past weekend. We began on Friday at 6:00 p.m. and finished at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. Great contributions were made by all, but I believe our deacons deserve special recognition. I thank God for the deacons at Palm Beach Lakes. It is often the elders and preachers who are praised…

Thank God for Lectureships!

In the past two months I have been part of two lectureships (one in Ohio, the other in Indiana) and have been reminded of just how wonderful these events are. I understand the great interest many brethren have in such events. Lectureships are a refreshing time of change from the mundane lives we live. Isn’t it so taxing on our spirits when…

Tuesday Morning Class

Our Tuesday morning Bible class has evidently met a need in the lives of many here at Palm Beach Lakes. We had no idea about the level of interest or how many would attend, but it really seems to fulfill a need. We owe a debt to Mike Archer as the driving force to help make the class a reality. He made…

WOW! What a Weekend!

There is no exaggeration in saying that this past weekend was one of the very best in the history of this congregation. In the twenty-six years I have known Palm Beach Lakes there have been many great times together, but I do not believe we have had a weekend to surpass what just happened. So many worked so hard to make the…

Pleasing Whom?

One of the great challenges facing Christians is peer pressure. We all want to be liked and so the tendency is to alter our lives just enough so we will be accepted by others. How many Christians have compromised values simply because they did not want to stand out and be different? One lesson each of us must learn is how fickle…