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2008 Bulletin Articles (Page 11)

A Common Expression

What do the following words have in common? Dankie, faleminderit, merci, chokrane, saha, chnorakaloutioun, eskerrik asko, hvala, blagoudaria, gracies, salamat, sunsalamat, zikomo, grazie, tak, tashakor, dankon, vinaka, kiitos, merci, dankewol mahalo, toda, dhanvavad, takk, taiku, tanemirt, akun, murakoze, sobodi, tenki, spas, aciu, blagodaram, paldies, dhanvavadaqalu, mesi, asbhar? These forty words are forty different ways to say “Thank you” around the world. The…

Mission Sunday 2008

The past two Sundays have been so uplifting to those who have been part of them. Two weeks ago we looked at all that this congregation has done since we began making Mission Sunday an annual event. It was so thrilling to see the impact that nearly half a million dollars you gave during that time has had. God deserves all the…

Would You Say, “Always”?

Paul has many favorite words and favorite expressions found throughout his letters.  One of them is the word “always,” which is found in every Pauline epistle except First Timothy.  Notice how Paul uses this word. Paul uses the word “always” most frequently with reference to prayer. “I make mention of you always in my prayers” (Rom. 1:9; cf. Phile. 4).  “I thank…

2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007

Take time to look at the front page of this bulletin and then bow your head in thanksgiving to God for all He has done through us. The information there shows the impact of the Mission Sunday contributions for the past four years. Your generosity has enabled the gospel of Jesus to touch West Palm Beach, South Florida and literally reach around…

A Challenge—Choose Just One

Every now and then you run across an article which is so simple, yet so profound, it changes how you look at life. Neal Pollard, who spoke on our lectureship two years ago, recently took a look at resolutions Christians should consider for the new year. Look at his suggestions. Bring just one non-Christian to church services with you. Focus on one…