Let's Go Back to the Bible

WOW! What a Weekend!

There is no exaggeration in saying that this past weekend was one of the very best in the history of this congregation. In the twenty-six years I have known Palm Beach Lakes there have been many great times together, but I do not believe we have had a weekend to surpass what just happened.

So many worked so hard to make the seminar so special. David Sproule deserves special thanks for the hundreds of hours he devoted over the past few weeks, and so many stepped forward with willing hearts to do whatever they were asked.

We owe a debt to Dave Miller for the presentation of the material. I thought he did a masterful job of insuring that the emphasis of the lessons was not political, but spiritual. Our nation was begun by those who understood the impact of morality in our lives and in the lives of those who govern us. Dave helped us to see just how far we have drifted and also to understand the impact of immorality in our lives and those who govern us.

As I listened to each lesson, I thought of those who would have benefited so much just from hearing them. Every elected official in this county received invitations. Imagine what impact the application of the lessons would have on lives, if our leaders could have heard them. I  thought of those who promised to come, asked for tickets and did not attend. What a loss for them! Our society is not committed as it once was, and empty seats show this.

The presence of so many visitors at our building on Sunday means so much. We did not know how many of those who came to the Eissey Auditorium on Friday or Saturday nights would come to our Sunday services, but we thank God for that large number who did come. Their presence enhanced our worship together (have you ever heard greater singing!) and their kind words of appreciation mean so much. They have impacted us, and we believe the Lord has used this church to impact them.

If you missed the seminar, be sure to get a copy of the DVD prepared by Apologetics Press. Also remember that all three of the Sunday services are on our website (www.pblcoc.org). We are so thankful that four services each week are broadcast live on the internet, and they are available at any time. Be sure to tell others about the website. The material there is outstanding.

There is so much more to do for the Lord. Yield your heart to God in a willing spirit to do all you can!