Let's Go Back to the Bible

You possess the most advanced security system

We put locks on everything – on our homes, cars, bicycle chains, briefcases, luggage, diaries, freezers, paper towel dispensers, mailboxes, etc., etc.  Security systems are utilized to protect many of our precious possessions from harm or theft.  Even with some of the most advanced technology, somehow villains and thieves still seem to find a way to bypass our protective measures and do their damage.

In the spiritual realm, Satan is that villain or thief who longs to “break in and steal.”  He is the one who constantly “seeks whom he may devour,” using various devices and deceptions to do his damage.  Are we taking all the precautions we can against this foe, not giving the devil any opportunity to get us (Eph. 4:27)?

The only lock and security against the evil one is faithful service to our faithful God!  Satan will never be able to devour us when God guards us (2 Th. 3:3; Jn. 10:28-29; 2 Pet. 1:8-11).