Let's Go Back to the Bible

What’s the password?

An old movie and television scene:  someone walks up to a door and knocks in five rhythm beats (bum, bum, ba-dum, bum), a tiny eye-level slot slides open, a gruff voice from behind the door growls, “What’s the password?”  There is going to be no entry and no bribery without the password.  You either know the password or you don’t.  If you don’t, you’re not getting in!

We all remember those scenes.  Now, our lives reflect the cinema.  We have passwords on everything:  our computers, our alarm systems, our ATM cards, our online accounts, our phones, etc., etc.  No one is getting in that is not supposed to be in!  Oh, and one more thing about passwords – you’re not supposed to tell anyone you’re password!  Keep it a secret!

I’ve read some attempts to liken “getting into heaven” with the “password system.”  It’s a crude analogy but with some similarities.  Entry is limited.  Prescribed words and actions are required for entry.  However, the “password” is not a secret.  God left the whole thing in plain sight!