Let's Go Back to the Bible

Who’s your favorite preacher?

If you could hear anybody preach (and I mean anybody), who would you want to hear?  (For those of you who said “Dan” or “David,” give me a break!)  Wendell Winkler is one of my favorite preachers of all time, often described as “The Preacher’s Preacher.”  I purposefully used the present tense “is,” even though he went on to his eternal reward a few years ago, for his lessons are still my favorites to listen to and read.  Who would you want to hear?  What if time was of no consequence and you could go back and hear Noah, Moses, Solomon, Jeremiah, Ezra, Peter, Paul, Stephen, Philip?  If you could hear anybody, who would you want to hear?

We might have some old favorites, but there’s only one Preacher who’s worth hearing.  The one I want to hear is not the guy on TV saying, “Let the little dollars come unto me.”  The one I want to hear is not the showman who says, “Come to me and I will heal you (sort of, well, not really).”  The One I want to hear is the One who says to me, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mt. 11:28).  Now, there’s a Preacher worth hearing!