Let's Go Back to the Bible

What do people see in your face?

Following years of separation after his brother stole his birthright, Esau made his way to meet Jacob in Genesis 32. Jacob “was greatly afraid and distressed,” thinking that Esau may be coming to “attack” him (32:7-8). He made strategic preparations for the saving of his family, and he sent a “present” ahead of him to Esau, hoping to “appease him” (32:20). Note what Jacob said next: “afterward I will see his face; perhaps he will accept me” (32:20).

What an interesting thing to say. Jacob would know of Esau’s reaction and even intentions when he saw his “face.” In the next chapter, the two brothers meet, and note what Jacob says to his brother: “I have seen your face as though I had seen the face of God, and you were pleased with me” (33:10).

Question: When others see us, do they see our face as though they are seeing the face of God? Do our eyes, our mouth, our expression convey that we belong to God? Do others see Him in us, just by looking?