It may seem strange (and even counterproductive) to us that after certain miracles Jesus told the individuals to keep the news to themselves and to “tell no one” (Matt. 8:4; 9:30; 12:15-16). Why would Jesus command such? Didn’t He want everyone to know about Him?
Think about what did happen when “everyone” found out about Him. On the one hand, those who legitimately were trying to get to Jesus “could not” (Luke 8:19; 19:3). Still others, who were threatened by large multitudes following Jesus, tried to “throw Him down over the cliff” (Luke 4:29) and later to “stone Him” (John 10:31). Eventually, they succeeded in crucifying Him.
Jesus’ purpose in this may have been two-fold: (1) looking out for the safety of those He healed; (2) trying to prevent His efforts, purpose and timing from being completely thwarted by large crowds. Of course, some of those whom He told, “Do not tell,” still did (Matt. 9:31). That makes me wonder—He explicitly told us to tell everyone about Him! Do we?