Let's Go Back to the Bible

Taste buds

It is fascinating how vastly different our taste buds can be from person to person.  Some people like their food spicy, some don’t.  Some people like nuts in their cookies, some don’t.  Some people like sushi, some don’t.  Some people like their steak almost raw, some like it well-done, some don’t like it at all.  What is gross to one person in a buffet line is a rare treat to someone else.  But, a variety of taste buds are ok and even expected today.  I’ve heard of some mothers who cook different variations of a meal to satisfy the preferences of every palate.

While the taste of food is a very personal matter and one about which we are often adamant, some folks bring a similar mindset to Christianity—like shopping at a supermarket, ordering off a restaurant menu or walking through a buffet line.  However, when it comes to serving God, it is not our tastes which ought to be driving our desires and cravings.  Peter speaks of desiring or craving the word of God like a newborn yearns for milk (1 Pet. 2:2), for His word (and therefore His will for our lives) should be sweeter than honey to our taste (Psa. 119:103).