Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Do you take this woman as your wife for 900 years?”

Next month Traci and I will celebrate 13 years of marital bliss.  Dan and Judie are celebrating their 50th Anniversary this week.  Ed and Ella Archer celebrate their 69th next month.  In a day and age when the average marriage, according to some studies, lasts only seven years (and seemingly much shorter for many couples), these examples above are beyond our society’s “reasonable expectations” and never even intended for most marriages.  How can that be?

God is the One who designed and gave to us the “marriage relationship.”  He brought that first couple together (a man and a woman—His design) and commanded then to be glued to each other and become one flesh.  What God had joined together, man was not to separate.  This relationship was designed to last until death separated them (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:4-6).  As far as we know, Adam and Eve were married for more than 900 years!  Now, there’s an example!

Marriage, like every other life decision, needs to follow God’s plan and not society’s plan!