Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Red on yellow, kill a fellow.”

While staring at a 10-inch long black, red and yellow ringed snake, I was trying to remember that little poem.  “Black on yellow, silly fellow?  Yellow on black, take a step back?  Yellow on red, you’re dead?”  I knew there was some little rhyme, but I could not confidently remember in which order to put the colors or what rhyming-combinations went together.  So, with implement in hand, I made up my own poem, “Looks like a snake, moves like a snake, it’s a snake.”

You know, God gave us a test to administer when we’re not sure of something we’re being taught.  He gave it in the Old Testament (Deut. 18:18-20) and in the New Testament (Gal. 1:8-9).  It is not a hard test to remember or administer.  It does not require remembering a rhyme or any cute sayings.  In His command to “test all things” that we are taught (1 Thess. 5:21; 1 John 4:1), God’s simple reasoning is this: “If it matches what I’ve said, then listen.  If it doesn’t match what I’ve said, then reject it” (cf. Acts 17:11).  When you hear some message that looks right or sounds right, there is only one way to make sure it’s right—put it to God’s test!