Let's Go Back to the Bible

The Fundamentals of Withdrawing Fellowship (Part 3)

This series of articles on withdrawing fellowship is designed to examine briefly the teaching of Scripture on this soul-important matter.  We have already noticed that withdrawing of fellowship is a command of God and looked at what actions are involved in this practice.  Let us continue to prayerfully search the Scriptures.

Who are the ones from whom the church is to withdraw and no longer keep company? The divine purpose of this action is the focus of an upcoming study, but who does God point out as ones to be put away?

First of all, it must be noted that the action is taken against a Christian (not a non-Christian). “I certainly did not mean with the…people of this world…But…with anyone named a brother…” (1 Cor. 5:9-11).  “Withdraw from every brother who…as a brother” (2 Thess. 3:6, 15).

God identifies, but does not limit Himself to, specific habitual sins to which one can become impenitently enslaved. Look at these words, and their inclusive behaviors, in 1 Corinthians 5:10-11:  sexually immoral (fornicators, adulterers, homosexuals, etc.); covetous (greedy); extortioners (robbers, swindlers); idolaters; revilers (abusive); drunkards.  Other New Testament passages add other specific actions, such as, “Reject a divisive (factious) man” (Titus 3:10).  It is significant to note that God is not giving an exhaustive list of specific sins to the exclusion of any other sins.  This will be obvious in the next paragraph, but it is also apparent from Paul’s usual broadening of his scope with the expression, “such a person” (1 Cor. 5:11).

God identifies, with universal terminology, the class of members from whom the church must withdraw. Look carefully at 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15.  First, notice the all-inclusiveness of those for whom we must be concerned—“every brother” (v. 6) and “anyone” (v. 14).  Then, God specifies in these two verses the brother: the one “who walks disorderly” (military term, “out of ranks, out of step”); the one “who walks…not according to the tradition which he received from us” (this is the inspired and authoritative tradition, instruction and doctrine they “were taught” according to 2:15); the one who “does not obey our word in this epistle” (ones who deliberately choose to disobey the commands of God).

Some have tried to limit withdraw to those engaged in gross immorality or those deliberately not working.  However, God stipulates that any brother who impenitently walks out of step with God’s instructions and in defiance to His Word must be put away from the church.  (more next week)