Let's Go Back to the Bible

Recharge your battery!

It amazes me that a computer can run on a battery.  A battery!  Flashlights and children’s toys run on batteries, but a computer?  Laptop computers are designed to run for hours on a battery.  Desktop computers and entire networks of servers will run for several minutes to several hours on battery backups.  However, the battery power does not last forever.  After a period of time, the battery must be connected to a power source or it will be completely useless.

In a similar way, your spiritual life is running on a “battery.”  (Don’t make more of this illustration than is suggested here.)  For a limited period of time, your “battery” allows independent operation.  However, your “charge” will not last forever.  If you do not regularly connect to The Power Source, you will ultimately become useless for the purpose for which you were designed.

Question:  how often do you connect to The Power Source? Do you connect daily in prayer and Bible study?  Do you connect weekly in worship?  How often are you recharging?