Let's Go Back to the Bible

A Rare Condition-Do You Have It?

There are so many medical conditions, many of which are extremely rare, that working as a physician today must be very challenging.  I recently learned of a rare disorder present from birth called Prader-Willi syndrome.  According to the Mayo Clinic website, “a key feature of Prader-Willi syndrome is a constant sense of hunger.”  According to another medical site, “Affected children have an intense craving for food and will do almost anything to get it.”  I feel for the parents of those children with Prader-Willi syndrome, for the constant struggle and heartache they must endure.

As I thought about this syndrome (and by no means to minimize it for those who suffer with it), I wondered if there could be a spiritual counterpart.  In a spiritual sense, what would it be like if Christians had “a constant sense of hunger”?  What would it be like if that spiritual hunger and craving was so intense that Christians would “do almost anything” to fulfill it?

A constant hunger and intense craving for God. Is God merely a passing thought in your mind during the day?  Or, is regular communication and daily fellowship with God something for which you hunger and crave?

A constant hunger and intense craving for Scripture. Does the perpetual presence of the Bible in your home make it less appealing or more of an afterthought in your day?  Or, is knowledge of His Word and faith that grows from faithful study of it something for which you hunger and crave?

A constant hunger and intense craving for worship. Has the weekly assembly of the church lost its meaning, its pull or its priority in your life?  Or, is the thought of praising the Almighty and communing with our loving Savior every Sunday something for which you hunger and crave?

A constant hunger and intense craving for fellowship. Are your friendships in the church (with your brothers and sister in Christ) of equal value or perhaps even of lesser importance than your friendships in the world?  Or, is the joy, peace and satisfaction that comes from fellowship with brethren something for which you hunger and crave?

A constant hunger and intense craving for heaven. Have the pursuits, pleasures, prestige and prosperity of life on earth derailed your focus and distracted your concentration on reaching the glories of heaven?  Or, is the hope of an eternal dwelling in the presence of our Father, our Savior and our faithful brethren something for which you hunger and crave?

What would it be like if Christians had “a constant sense of hunger” for those things of an eternal nature?