Let's Go Back to the Bible

“Put the best tires on the front!” Maybe.

When it comes time to rotate the directional tires on your vehicle, always remember that the best tires go on the front. Oh, wait! Someone who lives in Canada disagrees–he says that the best tires always go on the back. Well, perhaps he doesn’t understand that the front tires wear a lot faster than the rear. Oh, wait! The guy from Canada says that on ice and snow you need better traction in the back and not on the front. So, who is right? Who  should you trust?

The debate over where to put the newer, better tires has folks staking ground on both sides, and with seemingly viable cases to make for each position. It appears that where you live has a lot to do with your opinion on this matter. And, that’s what it is–an opinion.

Some people take this same approach to the Bible –one opinion over here, another opinion over there, perhaps claiming that where a person lives is a valid reason to have a different opinion.   Except, Bible truth doesn’t work that way. Bible truth is truth (not opinion) whether someone agrees with it or not and regardless of where someone lives. Think about it.