Let's Go Back to the Bible

Ok, where is that in the Bible?

The Bible is God’s revelation of His will for mankind and to mankind (1 Cor. 2:10-13; 2 Tim. 3:16-17).  It is our only authority today for determining right and wrong and for finding our way to heaven (Col. 3:17; Matt. 28:18; John 12:48; 14:6).  As such, we should measure every religious teaching, every religious practice and every human behavior by that one true standard—God’s Word (Acts 17:11; 1 John 4:1; 1 Thess. 5:21-22).

So, when someone tries to tell me that it’s ok to believe a certain thing, I need to ask, “Ok, where is that in the Bible?”  When someone tries to get me to engage in certain acts of so-called “worship,” I need to ask, “Ok, where is that in the Bible?”  When someone tries to tell me that certain behaviors or actions in life are ok and not so bad, I need to ask, “Ok, where is that in the Bible?”  Getting to heaven is dependent on me doing what the Bible says (Matt. 7:21).

I will be judged by the Bible (Jn. 12:48; Rev. 20:12).  I need to know and do what it says!