Let's Go Back to the Bible

You gotta take responsibility!

How often have you walked into a public restroom (even ones that are typically clean and well-kept) and been met with towels strewn on the floor and commodes that have not been flushed? Ugh!  Come on! What’s wrong with people that they cannot flush a toilet or get their used paper towel in the waste basket?  Have they no sense of responsibility?

On the wall in some homes is a plaque that reads (in part), “If you open it, close it.  If you turn it on, turn it off.  If you take it out, put it back.  If you mess it up, clean it up.  If you move it, put it back…”  Why is such a reminder necessary?  To teach responsibility in our homes!

Now, make the spiritual application.  Do we have responsibilities as Christians in the house of God?  Too many of us are shirking our Christian responsibilities and expecting others to do them for us.  To God, a Christian shirking his duty is like that dirty paper towel on the floor.  He will clean up after you, but only if you are actually trying.  You gotta take responsibility!