Let's Go Back to the Bible

More blessed to give!

The Christmas season is one of my favorites, however, the selfishness and materialism that is often exhibited is downright shameful.  It is, no doubt, pleasurable to receive gifts and kindnesses during the holidays (or any time for that matter).  However, there is something that can bring much greater pleasure than actually receiving (as hard as that might be to believe).

We hear it often and might say it often, but meditate on these words of Jesus – “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35).  More blessed?  More blessed for whom? Jesus did not say that it is “more blessed for the receiver,” because He wants even the receivers to give.  For, when the receivers become givers, then they will be more blessed!

When you teach this to a child, they look at you funny.  When you tell this to an adult, they laugh at you, thinking you’ve totally lost it.  But, those who have made it their goal to be givers (and to actually prefer giving over receiving), they know what Jesus meant!  They are blessed!