Let's Go Back to the Bible

Why does it get tougher when it’s supposed to be easier?

Have you ever noticed that things in this life don’t always live up to their expectations?  Just when you think things are going to get easier, they take a turn in the other direction.  Earlier this year, some folks were having difficulty receiving the PBL Family News emails each week.  So, I found an email marketing company that (1) helped create web-based emails that everyone would receive uniformly, (2) managed the distribution list and (3) promised ease of mail delivery to all contacts.  Ha! When things were supposed to get easier, they didn’t.  In recent weeks, some folks have received Family News several hours after it was sent, several days after being sent or not at all.  I apologize for those complications, and I’m hoping to have the issues resolved soon.  For right now, we’re back to our old system.  Sigh!

Life is like that.  And, because of the unrelenting pursuits of our evil adversary, even Christian lives have those frustrations.  The key for Christians is to not let the devil manipulate us to stop serving the Lord when our Christian lives get tough!  When the going gets tough….