Let's Go Back to the Bible

Microscopes, telescopes & God

What do microscopes and telescopes have to do with God?  Microscopes use a lens or series of lenses to create enlarged images of minute objects, so that we can see things that we would normally not be able to see because they are so small.  Telescopes use lenses and/or mirrors for viewing distant objects, so that we can see things that we would normally not be able to see because they are so far away.  What does this have to do with God?

Paul said that God’s “invisible attributes are clearly seen” when we look at those things that are made (Rom. 1:20).  When someone looks at a tree, a flower or a little girl, he can see the power of God.  And, it doesn’t matter how small the thing or how far away the thing, God and His power can be clearly seen with the naked eye or with the finest instrument on the earth.  No matter how far you look or how deep you go, as David said, “Behold, You are there” (Psa. 139:8)!  Scientists, with all of their specialized instruments, should be the strongest believers in God on this earth.  But, God has made His wonder known, even to those who cannot see!