Let's Go Back to the Bible

Mission Sunday, God and You

To say that I am overwhelmed by the Mission Sunday contribution is such an understatement! I am so thankful for being part of a congregation which sacrificially manifests its love for the lost. The greatest attribute of this contribution is that there are no outstandingly large contributions, but there is abundant evidence that many sacrificed to give to Him.

God is aware of the sacrifices you made. We are living in extremely difficult financial times, and so many of our brothers and sisters are struggling. Those who own businesses are barely able to keep the doors open. Some members have lost their jobs or are working reduced hours. The cost of living is escalating for all of us. The great truth is that God knows the sacrifices you made this past Sunday. Jesus once stood and watched as contributions were being made at the temple. Some were large gifts, but there was a gift of two mites which exceeded every other gift. The difference was that large gifts came from the abundance of the rich, but the gift of the widow came from a sacrificial heart. God is so much aware of what you gave! God is aware of your sacrificial heart!

God will reward you for your gifts so cheerfully given. In the days of Haggai, God challenged individuals to increase their offerings and encouraged them to mark down the day they made them to see if He did not bless them more. “Consider now from this day forward . . . but from this day I will bless you” (Hag. 2:18-19). This is His nature. In His message to the Corinthians about their giving, He said, “He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Cor. 9:6). The very next words are, “So let each one give . . .” and this is followed by, “. . . God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” Put a marker down in your life beginning last Sunday and see if God will not keep His promises!

God sees our gifts in a broader scope than we do. Look at the closing of His words in 2 Corinthians 9. God saw their gifts (and ours) as that which supplies the needs of others (v. 12). He saw gifts as causing a tremendous increase in thanksgiving to Him. He saw gifts from liberal hearts as causing many to glorify God (v. 13).  Finally, He saw the results of the gifts as an avenue for those who received the gifts to pray for the giver.

God has been so good to us and blessed us so we were able to give. Let’s rekindle the fires of evangelism so that our love for the lost is shown, not just in a contribution on a special day, but in our lives every day we live!