Let's Go Back to the Bible

How many times does God have to prove it?

The story of Gideon’s valiant army of 300 against the 135,000+ Midianite army is one of my favorites in the Bible.  But, it took Gideon a while to really believe God and go to battle.

In Judges 6:12, God made this statement to Gideon, “The Lord is with you…!” Pretty simple.  Pretty straightforward.  But, Gideon had trouble believing God’s Word.  He said, “If the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?…The Lord has forsaken us…” (6:13).  God said, “I am with you.”  Gideon said, “If you are with me…”  Wait a minute!  If God makes a statement, who is man to say, “If that is true…”? Gideon then went through a series of events to get God to “prove” His statement (fire coming out of a rock, dew on the fleece only, dew not on the fleece).  Gideon was looking for something more than God’s simple statement of truth.

Too many today do the same—God says something in His Word, but they want something more.  Let’s take God at His Word!  When He says something, let’s believe it!